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a lesson in love and acceptance. It is an experience not to be missed."
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![]() I'm a plotter, not a pantser, so yesterday I hammered out the outline for my NaNoWriMo novel for this year. For those who haven't heard of NaNoWriMo, it's National Novel Writing Month, when thousands of people across the world try to hammer out a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. That's only 1667 words a day, or about 4-6 pages. I also started running. What do these two things have in common? Plans. I'm pleased to say I ended the month running 29 miles. Competing in the "Chubby Ladies" challenge at nikeplus, I ended up 13th out of about 24 participants. Considering I hadn't run a mile in my entire single life (and yeah, these are run-walk miles, but I'm taking what I can get), I am ecstatic. No, I didn't come in first. I didn't come in last either. I finished. A novel is like that. The only race is against yourself. And finishing is half the battle. (The other half comes from revisions and edits, LOL!!!). It takes a plan, like the one NaNoWriMo participants have, to finish a novel. A little bit a day adds up. A page a day means 365 pages a year and that's a substantial novel. I have my training plan for running and my outlines/plotlines for my writing. Plan away, I say. Plan away! To all who are doing NaNoWriMo - good luck!!!! Happy writing! Labels: NaNoWriMo, plotting, running, Writing Wednesday ![]() ![]() ![]() Contains: Autumn Animalia - Revealing Photos By Mary Winter Nerissa Stockholme fell for Clint Song Shale fifteen years ago, her first and only true love. Now a successful photojournalist, Nerissa was on assignment at a New Mexico wild horse refuge when she captured photographs that will thrust her back into Clint's life. And perhaps explain why his family separated them all those years ago, destroying their relationship. Nerissa has only twenty-four hours to learn the truth about Clint and discover whether they can rekindle their old flame. Nerissa was an addiction Clint never recovered from. Now the very thing that tore them apart years ago has brought them back together. Nerissa's next assignment is taking her halfway around the world, but Clint can't let her disappear once again with his heart. Or explosive photos that reveal too much. Purchase this book in print: http://cgi.ebay.com/Feral-Fixation-5-author-anthology_W0QQitemZ220165842371QQihZ012QQcategoryZ377QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem Or go here: http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-4199-0722-0 (in case the link above doesn’t work) For more information about Mary, or her work, visit her website at http://www.marywinter.com/ Happy reading! ![]() ![]() I finished two books last night, both Harlequin SuperRomances from earlier this year. The first left me with a "that was weird" feeling, which usually isn't the kind of feeling you want to get from a romance novel, let alone a Harlequin. As much as I hate to say it, and I'm sure I'm not alone, when I pick up a book I have a certain expectation. A big, fat fantasy book needs to sweep me away into another world. A Harlequin romance needs to be an read that's fast paced and makes me smile at the end. It may, or may not, have depth. Sorry guys, but I've read a good share of category books that had all the emotional depth of a Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks movie. That's okay though, because there's a time for those, and I like stories that I can just read and smile and lose myself in. However reading these two books really made me think about expectations. I was shocked that the issue in the first book dealt with not only a lesbian, but also one who was in a stalkerish-obsessive relationship with the heroine. Hell, she'd burned down her house and killed the heroine's mother. Creepies!!! And alas, when I finished the book I was left with the thought "That was a Harlequin romance?" I felt, odd. Kind of creeped out. The second book was classic. Horses. Kids. Single fathers. Everything turned out happily ever after including an estrangement within the family. I thought the ending was a bit rushed, and didn't quite like the odd turn it took, but it was on the whole, a nice fluffy read. I guess that's why I like writing in the genres I do. The contract can be so much more flexible between author and reader. I can write the stories I want to write, and that means you can read the ones you'd like to read. And that's what expectations are really all about, right? ![]() ![]() You know, I'd like to think if an organization such as Girls on the Run had existed when I was in middle school, then maybe, just maybe, things might have been different. As it is, I've discovered running now, and I know the improvements I've seen in myself since I've began. I want to share this joy, and better yet, I want to share it at a level where I (and others) can make a difference in a child's life. That's why I joined Team Tiara, and I'm raising money for Girls on the Run. What is Girls on the Run? From their website: (http://www.girlsontherun.org/) Girls on the Run is a non-profit prevention program that encourages preteen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running. Our curricula address all aspects of girls' development - their physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual well-being. Wow! Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? And a good friend of mine has her daughter running in Girls on the Run, and she can vouch for the positive influence it is in her daughter's life. Will you help me? I'd like to raise $262.00 by 12/01/07, which is the date of the Wondergirl 5K, a race to benefit this organization which is also held in my hometown. You can donate several ways. Online: Visit my personal fundraising page here: http://www.active.com/donate/TeamTiara2007/ttMWilson1 If you'd prefer to send a check or money order please email me at mary@marywinter.com for more information. Or, you can also use paypal to that same address. Don't worry - 100% of the money raised will go to this organization. I had my epiphany at the age of 30. I'd love it if together, we can help girls develop healthy habits now, so they don't have to deal with weight/health/self-esteem issues later. Run on! ![]() ![]() Astral Nights By Kay Stone Cerridwen Press Trade Paperback, 308 pgs. ISBN #978-1-4199550-1-3 Psychically gifted Callan Nevins has always been haunted by images of a big, black gull. The bird’s appearance always was a harbinger of doom. However she’s moved on from her childhood with its crush on Sam. She’s now a divorced woman with a son. She has a job, good friends, and has tried to suppress her psychic nature. There’s just one problem. The Gull is back and she’s determined to get Callan at any cost. From the opening scene with the warm, friendly exchange between Callan and her friend Stephanie, all the way through the page-turning ending, Astral Nights is a book where the characters leapt off the page. Completely three dimensional, they felt like real people that you know, or would meet on the street. I found the descriptions rich, pulling the reader into this world and giving it real 3-D clarity. The astral plane became a real place, even though many don’t ever get to experience it, and I loved the honest, yet fun, ways in which the author handled psychic talents. It isn’t all about catching bad guys. Sometimes you got to do the laundry and take the trash out, too. Simply put, I loved reading this book. With fun moments interspersed throughout the danger, vivid descriptions, and real characters, Astral Nights is a book that will keep you up nights in your quest to finish it. ![]() ![]() You can read it online at http://www.marywinter.com/newsletter.htm Or, if you'd like to subscribe, send a blank email to: newsletter-subscribe@marywinter.com. Or, if you prefer Yahoo!Groups, you can join at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/marywinternews In this issue we have lots of new reviews, some new covers, an excerpt from the recent release Treaty of Seduction and lots more! This month's newsletter subscriber prize is an adorable black cat gift basket from Hershey's Gifts. Yum!Chocolate! ![]() ![]() It's been a while since I posted a "Make a Difference Monday" and today's idea is a 2-for-1 deal. Not only can you make a difference for a cause, but also for yourself. Today I'm suggesting you do a charity walk/run. Why? First of all the money goes to a good cause. Secondly, there's a camaraderie of walking (or running) with other individuals who are working for the same goal. Then, there's the fact that you get to increase your physical fitness. Now one walk won't make you a gym diva, but, it can certainly be incorporated into an existing workout routine. And, of course, if you haven't done a 1 mile or a 5K walk before, you'll want to make sure you can before signing up. So get out there and start walking. Where do you find a 5K near you? Search the web. Check community calendar. Even the newspaper. I happened to hear about the one I signed up for today (it's this Saturday), while watching the evening news. So lace up those walking shoes and get going! Make a difference for yourself...and for others! ![]() ![]() |