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Tuesday, March 18, 2008 Writing Wednesday: Scruff your inner editor

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When I lay in bed and try to go to sleep my mind wanders. Thoughts, to-do lists, feelings, rehashing of events, both good and bad, float through my mind. And mentally I reach for the knob like a radio knob and turn it to the left until I hear the little click that the radios give that tells me I've turned them off. The voices start again. "Sleep!" I mentally say. "Off." And turn that knob once more. Eventually the voices quiet and I find my way tumbling into slumber. It's a trick that's grown more important now that I work third shift and I find myself going to sleep around 7 am. The sleep mask can block the ambient light, but it's the radio knob that silences the voices.

As writers, we need to do the same thing. We have inner editors and critics who need to be silenced. Another useful technique I've found is "scruffing." It's a way to discipline cats and it is working wonders with my formerly feral kitten. It mimics the way their mother cat would discipline them. Simply pick them up by the scruff of the neck and put them on the floor, then hold them down for a couple of seconds. It's all done gently and doesn't hurt, but I do it when Tenzin scratches and bites me (inappropriate play) and it works wonders. We need to scruff our inner editors and critics. Not to be mean, but to say "hey, this isn't appropriate right now. Keep your claws to yourself."

It may take repetition and diligence, but eventually those inner voices will get the hint and be quiet.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 10:55 PM :: 0 comments

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