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Wednesday, September 26, 2007 Writing Wednesday: Thoughts About Covers

Flipping through a running magazine I was struck by the pictures of lean, athletic men. I remembered a comment someone said to me. "We don't put men with runner's builds on the cover of novels."


So yeah, the stereotypical romance hero is a muscle bound god ready to sweep his woman off his feet. However, I don't know about you, but this woman enjoys variety. Orlando Bloom looks completely different from Viggo Mortensen or Vin Diesel, and yet, all three men cause breaths to catch and hearts to pound among women everywhere. There's more to a romance hero than muscles. (can you hear the collective gasp that just rose across the romance community? More to a hero than big...muscles?)

Looking through the magazine, reading the articles, I was struck by the graceful beauty of a runner. Body working in perfect harmony, a well-oiled machine that took great effort and turned it into a great reward.

So I guess my question to my readers, heck to anyone really, is what do you want to see on the covers? Are the lean, trim runner's build men appealing to your eye? Or do you prefer a more muscled guy?

Posted by Mary Winter :: 10:13 AM :: 1 comments

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Monday, September 24, 2007 Book Review: I'm Okay, You're Dead by Cheryl Dragon

I’m Okay, You’re Dead
By Cheryl Dragon
The Lotus Circletrade paperback, 255 pages

In I’m Okay, You’re Dead, Cheryl Dragon introduces us to a world where ghosts are real, psychic talents solve crimes, and Deanna Oscar is more in the closet than her drag queen friend, Ivy. Taking the reader on a journey through New Orleans, with its unique blend of customs and people, Ms. Dragon pens a tale that holds on and just doesn’t let go.

She creates a varied cast of characters, all of whom you can empathize with. And secrets abound. In a creepy tale of twins separated by death, Deanna’s forced to use her burgeoning psychic skills to help solve a series of grisly murders involving little girls. This suspenseful tale isn’t a “who done it” type mystery, for Deana knows who the killer is. The problem, she has to convince the police that she knows what she’s talking about. She’s an Oscar, after all, and they are known for their skills.

With an intricate plot weaving, sympathetic characters, and quite a few loose ends in Deana’s personal life, I found this a book reminiscent of Evelyn Vaughn’s excellent work, including her RITA award winning novel AKA Goddess. Ms. Dragon is an author to watch, and I can’t wait to see what adventures she has in store for Deana next!

Purchase link for ebook/print: http://www.jasminejade.com/p-3120-im-okay-youre-dead.aspx

Posted by Mary Winter :: 10:02 AM :: 0 comments

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Friday, September 21, 2007 New Release: Treaty of Seduction

Title: Treaty of Seduction

Author: Mary Winter

Publisher: Ellora's Cave Publishing

Release Date: 09/21/07


Length:Short Novel



Zaldivar's queen has agreed to an alliance with the Concordance, a governing body, in order to gain new technology for her people. As loyalties are divided, the once-peaceful planet now faces war at the hand of insurgents.

Wishing to restore peace, High Priestess Tyranna Eairstar reluctantly agrees to a marriage with a Concordance officer. Tyranna's long-forgotten lust awakens the moment she meets her virile husband-to-be — but can she give her heart to him when she's given her life in service to the goddess?

Tyranna's intelligence, intensity and willowy body are welcome surprises for Major Trace Drakkal. The very sight of her makes him hard, and her body responds willingly. But Trace must convince her she can have both faith and love, while assuring her people the Concordance wishes to help, not harm.

An ancient sexual ritual might be enough to convince Zaldivar and Tyranna that change can be a good thing.


Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:51 AM :: 0 comments

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Writing Wednesday: Stephen Colbert Synergy!

As a writer, one of the things I love is when the crazy things in my head suddenly end up in other people's heads. Like the little articles about bears that my mom and grandma have been clipping out of the paper now that they're aware of my, well, obsession, with the animal. Bear-crazy. Like I was (and still am) horse-crazy. And how, now, in most of his "threat downs," Stephen Colbert, lists bears! My bears? A threat to the country? Oh no! It truly can't be!

I laughed. Gave a little cheer. Even emitted a girly squee of delight over the whole situation.

And then, last night, he did it...

He had Bjorn Lomborg as a guest. Bjorn has written a book on global warming. Sure, Bjorn's views on global warming, while moderate, aren't like mine. But Bjorn did mention that his name means bear (of course it does, I researched it, LOL!!!) and his initials match the initials of my hero. Um no, I had no prior knowledge of Bjorn Lomborg before writing Bjorn's Mate.

Suddenly, there's a hot Scandinavian guy on my TV named Bjorn. I love it!!!!!

Now, I'm sure Mr. Colbert doesn't know about me or my writing. However, when the Universe brings cool things like this my way, I just have to smile.

Here's to my bears and Steven Colbert! Maybe once he gets to know them, he'll remove them from the "Treat down." They really are nice, if you look past the razor sharp claws and long, pointy teeth. I promise.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 4:59 PM :: 0 comments

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Monday, September 10, 2007 Make a Difference Monday: Forgive Yourself

Today's "Make a Difference" isn't about charity or causes or recycling or the environment. It's not about adopting pets from the shelter or giving money to save the rainforest (though you can click on The Animal Rescue Site and The Rainforest Site every day to "give" to those causes). No, today's blog is about making a difference to you.

Today's tip: Forgive Yourself

I can hear you saying, "what?" I saw a wonderful movie a few weeks ago, What the BLEEP do we know?, and it was the most wonderful combination of quantum and theoretical physics and spirituality as I'd ever seen or heard. The crux of the matter is, how we think affects our world. I've known this for a long time. I've struggled with it, but am working to improve myself. One of the areas where I feel I have the most work to do though, is to simply forgive myself.

I'm a Type A, nose to the grindstone, hard taskmaster when it comes to me, my dreams, and my goals. And when something happens to fall short, I take it hard. Take my weight loss journey for example. I was doing so good. And then I passed a milestone I hadn't seen since my college days -- dropping below 200 lbs. Whoopie! I partied. I felt like I'd done it. And I immediately fell back into old habits. Three months later, I'm no longer under 200 lbs (though still quite a bit smaller than I was), and I recommitted to Weight Watchers today. But more importantly than resigning up for that $16.95/mo online plan was the fact that I forgave myself.

That's right. Lying in bed last night, I thought, "I will succeed. I will do this. And I forgive myself for falling into old habits and slipping from the weight loss wagon. I forgive myself."

I'm sure it probably sounds corny, but for someone overcoming a lifelong habit of negative self-talk (Too fat, too nonathletic, too well..everything bad!), it felt good. Damn good. And so, instead of focusing on the past, after all, it's the past and can't be changed, I'm looking to the future. My first meal of the day... my first week back on plan... and I know that it will all come about because of one simple thing: forgiveness.

Make a difference to yourself! Be gentle with yourself.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:13 AM :: 0 comments

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007 Mary Winter's September Newsletter is Out!

Mary Winter is pleased to announce the September issue of her newsletter is now available on her website at http://www.marywinter.com/newsletter.htm. This month's issue features an excerpt from her September 7 release, Willed and Waiting from Changeling Press, a link to her TRS Blue Feature (where she talks about this month's Ellora's Cave release, Treaty of Seduction), an interview with multi-published author Lacey Alexander, information about her contest and lots more! Subscribe by sending a blank email to newsletter-subscribe@marywinter.com or visit my website for more information! Thanks and have a great day!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 4:06 PM :: 0 comments

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Writing Wednesday: Let's Talk Promo

For the average writer trying to balance family, a day job, and writing deadlines, whether personally imposed or given by a publishing house, promo is a five letter dirty word. It's something we're told we have to do. It takes away time from our writing. It keeps us from our families. And it's really darn difficult to quantify what works and what doesn't, so we never quite know where or how to spend our time and money.

So let's talk promotional efforts. (Disclaimer: This is what I do, what I like, what I don't like. This is my opinion folks. It's not written in stone. Your Mileage May Vary. *smile!*)

I'll be the first to admit I probably don't do as much promo as I should. With a day job, my store and alter ego as a metaphysical non-fiction writer (a persona I kept bundled in the bottom of a hope chest, hoping like heck I'd find time to actually do it!), and my personally imposed deadlines, I don't have time or the finances to go crazy. I have my chat loop, which I love (hugs everyone!), the publisher community loops (hugs them too!), and I try to post and interact the best I can. I have a monthly newsletter. I tried to do podcasts, but the lack of interview candidates and the time it took to put each bi-weekly show together has made them fade into the night until I can come up with another incarnation for them (thinking they will come back as part of my store, where I can do tarot readings and cool things like that).

But, like my post a few weeks ago about simplifying my life, I don't feel guilty about it. I'm doing the best I can with what I have. I try to make everything as effective as possible. And that includes not doing some things. I try really hard not to promo to an authors only loop unless it's something that authors would be interested in. They're readers too, and most authors are also on publisher community and other loops. If I'm sending a message to a bajillion groups, I'm not going to include the authors only loops in it. In my humble opinion, those groups aren't for promo. They're for other things. I now concentrate my posts on lists where I do occasionally come in and post, and I don't promo on another author's personal loop unless I get permission first. I also try to keep my sig line short and sweet.

Because the truth of the matter is, I can do all the promo in the world, but if I don't have time to write new books, soon there will be nothing to promote except a bunch of really old backlist titles. Books sell books. New books perk interest in the backlist titles. I may see an add or chat with an author on a loop, but if the book doesn't sound interesting (blurb and cover), then I probably wouldn't pick it up. The promotional efforts I see may entice me to pick up (or click on) the book. But if the book itself doesn't captivate, I got four shelves of a TBR pile that will.

So I guess what I'm saying is, to all those authors out there stressing about marketing and promo. Yes, think about it. Yes, do what you can. But don't make it your life. And don't fret if you're doing what you can when you can that you should be doing more. It's what we want to do and feel comfortable doing that counts. And write! We're writers after all.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:54 AM :: 1 comments

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