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Wednesday, March 05, 2008 Writing Wednesday: Writer's Organizations

It seems to be that time again when all the authors loops are abuzz with talk about our professional organization: Romance Writers of America. And I'll admit, I've been very vocal about my opinions of the professionalism of said organization, even though I'm well aware you can't paint everyone there with the same brush. I've found helpful and delightful people there, many of them. And I've found those, who like the former SFWA president I talked to at one convention held the belief that "We don't want those kind of writers in our group." Well, let's just say that kind of cliquish behavior didn't make me happy in high school and now that we're all grown up it just plain pisses me off.
But what's a working girl to do? There are wonderful chapters (sadly, my local one isn't) and supportive groups within the organization. And, I'm quite aware that you can't change the system unless you speak up, so opting out of the organization in disgust doesn't change anything, except maybe increases the balance of my checkbook.
And there's the rub. Money.
I can name off the top of my head, two to three wonderful chapters to which I belonged when I was an RWA member. But, to join these marvelous people, I have to pay national $75 (plus an extra $25 since I wrote them off and didn't renew last July). That's a lot of money. Really, it is. It's two weeks' groceries for us. Or the cost of my diabetic cat's insulin and my hyperthyroid cat's medicine. Or gas money for my mom. Seriously, I don't drop $100 lightly on anything. And as much as I want to work toward changing things, because really, published is published, who the heck cares if it's a book of haiku's, erotic romance, inspirational romance, or a horror novel. It's published. Hooray!!!! And the idea of paying $100 to that organization just frankly makes my stomach go all twisty the way it does when my ulcer is acting up.
And yeah, just like at work, I'm sure I'll get in trouble here for opening my big mouth (or my big fingers since I'm typing?). But really, to me, a professional writer's organization has to do just that -- act professional. I know SFWA is having it's issues right now (and truly I've felt SFWA for being a speculative fiction group has been decades behind the times for well...decades). So all the craziness that speeds around the Internet like a ferret on speed (I love that analogy), isn't just for romance authors. Really, it isn't. I promise.
But when we have one group of authors calling another names (and yes this does run both ways), when we have a board that doesn't do basic research or seem to understand the situation before it makes policies, and when all of this happens at least once a year, you have to wonder... if you're paying money to a professional organization, shouldn't it at least act, well...professional?
I'm torn. I really am. I'm hearing talk of maybe about a new RWA chapter forming. I miss my friends at Passionate Ink and PASIC. I miss, gosh, even with all the craziness, that feeling of connection that hey, we're all romance writers here and yay for us. I just don't want to spend $100 to get bitch slapped again by nationals. No, they didn't mean it at me personally, but their actions hurt just the same.
So I guess I'm blogging to put my thoughts down on paper (err, pixel), and to get other people's thoughts.... It's the age old question. Is RWA really worth all the heartache and hassle?

Posted by Mary Winter :: 6:02 PM :: 2 comments

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