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Monday, March 03, 2008 Make A Difference Monday: Get out of the Box

Sometimes you got to do something that others think is wild and crazy to take a step forward and pursue your dreams. So that's today's "Make a Difference Monday"--Get the hell out of your box!!!!
Do something so completely outrageous, something that turns your life upside down and when you shake it out, see what's left. I did, and I have to say that I think the results are fabulous.
For me, I changed my hours at work. I'm a certifiable night owl. I wake about 3 pm and go to bed around 7 am. :) So far, so good....
So if you think you need something in your life, then make a change. Don't make a little change. Make a drastic one. And see what happens.
After all, you'll never know until you try.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 7:38 PM :: 0 comments

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