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I'm a huge horse racing fan. I love the beauty and the pagentry of horse racing. Sure, my Fortune is a mutt, and she's just a spoiled pasture ornament, but watching the Breeder's Cup Mare & Filly race, with its 6 yo mares, well, I couldn't help but think of my little girl. So, I'm finishing up a novel and watching the Breeders' Cup. Go horsies!!! I'm mentioned on a blog... http://lisareneejonesjournal.blogspot.com/ She's mentioned my Ghost Touch, the sequel to which I'm finishing up this weekend. I'm so pleased. She has an excellent blog with lots of pictures of hot men. And congrats to Lisa for her Recommended Read from FAR. ![]() ![]() OF GHOSTS AND HALLOWEEN A Happy Halloween and Samhain to everyone. I hope you and your costumed children stay safe on this Beggar’s Night. Remember, that creepy house on the corner probably contains an axe murderer, and if you light a candle and wish very hard, you might end up with your very own vampire to ravish you. There will be fights all over of women fighting it out to determine whether they end up with Angel or Spike. As long as I can curl up with a certain former watcher turned demon hunter, turned really hot guy, or a certain Agent Finn, I’m a happy camper. ( I’m spending this Halloween weekend appropriately enough finishing up the sequel to Ghost Touch. Kyle receives his story, and boy is it a good one. Hoping this finds a home once it’s completed. I’ve advised the other half to tell any family members who call (to pretty much ask me what I’m doing. Like DUH! I’m writing. What else would I be doing? Okay…what else would I be doing that I could tell them about? ) that I won’t be answering the phone this weekend, but I will call them back once I type “THE END.” I’ll be putting out the next issue of my newsletter next week, so now is a good time to subscribe if you want to be in the running for Mrs. Fields cookies. We’ll have a new contest for December into January. I think it, too, will involve food. Yeah free food!!!! Take care and read lots! ![]() ![]() http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0505526654/102-5342228-7740931?v=glance&n=283155&n=507846&s=books&v=glance I'm pleased to know the author and consider her a good friend. This is sure to be an awesome read, so don't wait! Pick up your copy today! :) January 2006 release date. Calamity Jane by Kathleen Bacus ![]() ![]() Doing Cowboys Right Join me July 24-July 28, 2006 on the Ask An Author list, which is part of the RWA family of listservs, for a Q&A with the topic of "Doing Cowboys Right." As a reader, nothing frustrates me more than authors getting the equestrian details wrong. One cowboy romance I read had the hero raising Morgans on his ranch for cattle work. Sure, Morgans probably can work cattle, but they haven't been breed with "cow" in them (the term of the cow sense most Quarter Horses have). An erotic romance I read had the buzzer at seven seconds on a rodeo event, not eight. These little details, especially to someone who loves the genre, will affect the reader's opinion of the book. So, with knowledge about horses and rodeos, I will be doing a Q&A on these little details. Hope to see you there! ![]() ![]() Working Towards a Dream I’m down in West Plains, Missouri right now, about twenty miles from the Arkansas border. We left Iowa yesterday on an eight-hour car ride, leaving behind a cold rain and colder temperatures. We own four acres between Gentryville and Drury off of Highway 95. We’re actually down here to look at another parcel of land, one that might be better suited to our requirements. Neither town is a huge metropolis; the nearest city of any size is about 25 miles in any direction, and then you can take your pick. According to the phone books there aren’t any Borders or Barnes & Nobles to be had for many miles (Springfield might be the closest one…), so I say thank goodness for Amazon.com and Ellora’s Cave ebay store to feed my reading fetish. ( So why are we down here pretty much in the middle of nowhere?A dream. I dream of a time when I can step out my door and walk over to Fortune’s paddock to pet her, groom her, or feed her. I dream of having my own chickens, of raising goats for milk, of having an outdoor building full of four-eight breeder pairs of parrots. I dream of living on my land in the middle of nowhere and doing what I love – writing. The fact that it may not be –20 all winter long is just a plus to this Iowa girl, though I do love fall and winter, but when the mercury dips below 0 then it’s just plain cold. I think we all need a dream to which we work toward. Whether it’s a new car, some acres, or a place to retire on the beach, we need something to keep us going. For me, it’s five acres of heaven, with a spring and a natural creek on it. Steve and I walked it today, and it’s a beautiful thing to actually reach out and touch your dream. ![]() ![]() http://www.celticwoman.com/ Steve and I are going to see Celtic Woman tonight. I love Celtic music. My geneology shows that my ancestors are pretty much Heinz 57 Celtic. Irish, welsh, british, scottish... I've got it all in me, and oh I so love everything Celtic. Thanks to a generous donation to our local PBS station, we have third row tickets, and we have tickets to a "meet and greet" after the performance. Very cool. I'm so excited. ![]() ![]() When it comes to writing, we all need a few allies, and I'm not talking about the editor/agent who loves your work and thinks everything you write is sold gold. A few of those don't hurt either *grin*, but really, I'm talking about you in the trenches writing, and those who help you. I'm going to give tribute to my writing allies, and the list might suprise you. 1) Family. My mom, who also harbors a dream of writing, and to whom I'm an inspiration. My grandma, who is very happy for me, even though she knows I write the steamier stuff. Aunts, uncles, my step-mom, and most of all, my partner, Steve, who is also a writer. It is with these people that I ride the highs and endure the lows. 2) My co-workers. Okay, so I work in an office of over 100 people and most of them probably don't give a damn, but the ones I sit next to, for all my griping about the SDJ (stupid day job) really are pretty cool. 3) Friends. I just realized this list must be in "no particular order" because I'd put friends above my co-workers. I have close friends who have been friends with me for a decade or more, and they are awesome and supportive, and I have new friends I've made within the writing world who are just as awesome and supportive. 4) Fans. Yes, the readers are part of this network too. A "sounds great" when you post an excerpt, or "I read and really liked this book" does much to boost the ego of a writer. Readers are an invaluable resource to use as a sounding board, or just to have a network of people who like your work and want to talk about it. It's very important in this industry of "sorry, not for us" or "right book wrong time" to have a supportive network of people on which you can count when the going gets rough. Even though we often forget, taking a few moments to thank these special people in our lives means so much. Maybe we ought to petition for National Readers Day. :) ![]() ![]() I just finished reading Mercedes Lackey's The Gates of Sleep. A longtime fan, I had at one time headed the midwestern chapter of Queen's Own, her official fan club. I've loved Ms. Lackey's works since Arrows of the Queen, and Magic's Pawn, the very first fantasy book I've ever read. I am pleased to say that "Gates" is a harken back to those comfortable novels. This book is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty, so yeah, we all know how it will end (though I wanted the prince to wake her with a kiss), and I felt a lot of the plot action happened in the last 1/4 of the book, I so enjoyed the character and the settings that I didn't mind the jerky pace of the book. I like finding a good book by an author I love. Sometimes with new author's there's the trepidation. Will I like this book? Will it measure up to the other stuff I'm reading? Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. Sometimes I'm apalled. With this book, I was comfy. I can't think of any greater pleasure then curling up with a good book and reading. ![]() ![]() I'm ambitious this month. I'm taking two online classes. The first, Love Scenes with Emtional Punch is being held through the Calgary RWA chapter and taught by Shelley Bradley. The second course is Angela Knight's Introduction to Erotic Romance being held thorugh Passionate Ink, the Erotic Romance chapter of the RWA. I'm finding it quite interesting to be in two classes, and since I have lots of ideas that will need fleshing out in the next few weeks/months, quite valuable too. Other than that this month has kind of been a bust for me writing-wise. I'm trying... I really am. I have lots of stories to finish, but oh the time, where does it go? ![]() ![]() I find when I finish a project, such as Money Man, a novella in the Zodiac Series from Venus Press due out sometime between Dec 22-Jan 22, I like to take some time off. So, I took a few days off. Well, it's Sunday. I'm going to finish up my newsletter, and then I think I'll do some more coding on my web store (Small Friends Aviary), and then get back on track. :) It was kind of rainy this morning, so I'm hoping I can go out and see my horse today. Sundays are usually my day for seeing Fortune. I went to a bird show yesterday. My little finch placed sixth overall. Not bad for a bird I bought at a pet store less than a week ago. I also came home with a handfed green Indian Ringneck Parakeet. He's kind of shy, but I'm hoping he'll open up. If you're not subscribed to my newsletter, why don't you join? If you join now through November 15, you'll be in the running for Mrs. Fields cookies. Yum! Yum! ![]() ![]() |