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Wednesday, September 05, 2007 Writing Wednesday: Let's Talk Promo

For the average writer trying to balance family, a day job, and writing deadlines, whether personally imposed or given by a publishing house, promo is a five letter dirty word. It's something we're told we have to do. It takes away time from our writing. It keeps us from our families. And it's really darn difficult to quantify what works and what doesn't, so we never quite know where or how to spend our time and money.

So let's talk promotional efforts. (Disclaimer: This is what I do, what I like, what I don't like. This is my opinion folks. It's not written in stone. Your Mileage May Vary. *smile!*)

I'll be the first to admit I probably don't do as much promo as I should. With a day job, my store and alter ego as a metaphysical non-fiction writer (a persona I kept bundled in the bottom of a hope chest, hoping like heck I'd find time to actually do it!), and my personally imposed deadlines, I don't have time or the finances to go crazy. I have my chat loop, which I love (hugs everyone!), the publisher community loops (hugs them too!), and I try to post and interact the best I can. I have a monthly newsletter. I tried to do podcasts, but the lack of interview candidates and the time it took to put each bi-weekly show together has made them fade into the night until I can come up with another incarnation for them (thinking they will come back as part of my store, where I can do tarot readings and cool things like that).

But, like my post a few weeks ago about simplifying my life, I don't feel guilty about it. I'm doing the best I can with what I have. I try to make everything as effective as possible. And that includes not doing some things. I try really hard not to promo to an authors only loop unless it's something that authors would be interested in. They're readers too, and most authors are also on publisher community and other loops. If I'm sending a message to a bajillion groups, I'm not going to include the authors only loops in it. In my humble opinion, those groups aren't for promo. They're for other things. I now concentrate my posts on lists where I do occasionally come in and post, and I don't promo on another author's personal loop unless I get permission first. I also try to keep my sig line short and sweet.

Because the truth of the matter is, I can do all the promo in the world, but if I don't have time to write new books, soon there will be nothing to promote except a bunch of really old backlist titles. Books sell books. New books perk interest in the backlist titles. I may see an add or chat with an author on a loop, but if the book doesn't sound interesting (blurb and cover), then I probably wouldn't pick it up. The promotional efforts I see may entice me to pick up (or click on) the book. But if the book itself doesn't captivate, I got four shelves of a TBR pile that will.

So I guess what I'm saying is, to all those authors out there stressing about marketing and promo. Yes, think about it. Yes, do what you can. But don't make it your life. And don't fret if you're doing what you can when you can that you should be doing more. It's what we want to do and feel comfortable doing that counts. And write! We're writers after all.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:54 AM :: 1 comments

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