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Wednesday, July 25, 2007 Writing Wednesday - Scrap Heap & Start Again

Just like a carpenter who realizes that he put a board up at a wrong angle, or worse yet, cut the board at a wrong length, so too, do writers need to go back to the drawing board. In fact, I'm doing that this week with a project I'd started. It didn't quite reach its mark. And frankly, going back through an already completed outline and figuring out where to tweak, were to fix, etc, is a pain. A big pain. And since I started it yesterday, and I know I'll need to pretty much gut the whole middle of the book, I decided the best thing to do, for my sanity, would be to start all over.

It's okay. Sometimes, when we scrap what we're working on, the resulting new story is a much stronger story. Sometimes, the muse hits us in the most interesting ways, adding a richness and depth to our tale we might not have found otherwise.

So, as I look at the "to do" list and at the yellow legal pad in front of me, I think.... I'm not reinventing the wheel, I'm simply adding a coat of paint.

May all your projects run smoothly today...

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:32 AM :: 0 comments

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