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Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Writing Wednesday: Tools For Writers

Aside from the obvious (computer, word processor, printer, etc.) there are a few tools that I think are indispensable to writers. So, I thought I'd spend my writing Wednesday talking about them.

Stamps.com - Now, I live within three miles of a post office. I go there every day to check my mail. I still find the monthly fee for Stamps.com worth it. Why? First off, I don't have to stand in line waiting to get postage for my packages. And, since I send out contest prizes, have a home based business, and a healthy ebay habit, well, let's just say that they know me at the post office. :) Plus, I can print out stamps when needed. They have tracking codes and at the end of each month I get a report emailed to me of how much postage I spent. No more trying to keep track of a million little USPS receipts. And, if I want to prepare something to ship at midnight I can.

A Fax Machine - I don't use it very often, but it sure comes in handy. I bought a basic personal plain paper fax off of ebay for about $30.00. Works perfect for me. I can fax in contract signature pages, and I use it for my business. Some computers also come with fax capabilities as well.

Those are my big two. What do you think are indispensable items in your office?

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:46 AM :: 1 comments

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