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Monday, July 30, 2007 Make A Difference Monday - Chemicals, oh my!

Welcome to a new themed day here at my blog - Make a Difference Monday. Each week I'll highlight a way in which you can make a difference in your own life, for our environment, for our animal companions, or in other ways. Those of you that have read Bjorn's Mate, have been exposed to what to me, is a very important theme in my work: the environment. The more I study about bears of all types (polar, grizzly, black bears, etc.), the more fascinated I become with them. And the thought of the majestic polar bears disappearing scares me! What if Bjorn and his men have no Arctic home in which to live and love? Frightening!!!! So, that's why I've started this weekly theme day. Not everything will be environmental, though you'll find that some of my ideas cross boundaries. Such as today's.

This week's tip: Pamper yourself and the environment with natural care products! And don't forget to read labels!

I must confess, one of my personal indulgences is organic face care and body care products. I love natural toothpaste (minty!), organic face wash and body lotions. Yummy! They smell so good and they make my skin feel oh so nice.

And, I can put them on feeling good that I'm not contributing to putting more chemicals either in my body or in the environment.

A great way to start is to just pick one item. How about lotion? Or lip balm? Something small, yet something you'll like to pamper yourself. Then, replace something else. And something else. Before you know it, you'll be surrounding yourself in natural luxury.

How to find natural products? Well your natural food store or co-op is always a great place to start, as is farmer's market. None close by? Then check out online stores such as Jupiter Gardens - http://www.jupitergardens.com/.

Pamper yourself - naturally! Not only will you feel better, but you'll also be helping the environment too.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 1:48 PM :: 2 comments

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