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Wednesday, August 01, 2007 Writing Wednesday: The Blush of a New Love

Since I write romance novels, it seems natural to equate the start of a new project with the rush that comes with falling head-over-heels in love. Most writers I know, myself included, work in cycles. We do the work of putting out a raw draft. Type. Type. Type. Type. Then we spend several weeks, or even a few months, doing revisions, edits, and planning the next project (or not so much planning). When that's done, we go back to writing again.

I'm in the starting writing part of that cycle. After spending several months finishing up edits (you'll see those books release the remainder of this year) and working on planning, I'm now writing several projects at once. I'm a busy gal. I like to write three or four different things at once. With a plot and a "to do" list, I find it keeps me from stalling out. Those projects I've started without any idea where I'm going...well....they're not going so far or so fast.

Staring a new novel is like that first date. It's a little exciting, more than a little scary, and you're hoping that everything lives up to your expectations. For me, I've spent a few weeks, maybe even months mulling over the idea. I have a plot. A point-by-point outline, where sometimes the characters throw me for a loop. And sometimes, as in the project I've just started, with all this in place and simmering, like a good soup it all comes together and the opening just rolls from the muse to my fingers to the page.

I hope your muses come out and play today.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:38 AM :: 0 comments

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