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Monday, August 06, 2007 Make A Difference Monday: Recycle Paper

Since they moved our garbage days with a new provider, and it's time to put the recycling bin and the garbage can on the curve tonight, thought I'd use a subject that's near and dear to my heart for today's "Make a Difference Monday."

If you live in a community that has a curbside recycling program and you're not taking advantage of it, WHY THE HECK NOT? On our nightly walks around the trailer court, when it's garbage night I am completely dismayed by the sheer numbers of people who don't have recycling bins on their curb. Hopefully since we got new bins along with uniform garbage cans, more people will recycle. But in case you need a little persuasion, here are a few facts (taken from http://www.dosomething.org)

  • Paper Products make up 40% of all trash. (Those "rough draft" manuscripts? Shred 'em and recycle 'em)
  • Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour. That's a lot of bottled water!
  • About 1/3 of the average dump is made up of packing material (recycle and reuse it, that's what I do.)
  • 80% of paper makers use some sort of recycled material in making new paper.

Those who don't recycle claim it's "too messy" or it "takes too much time." Um, it's just as easy to toss that water bottle in the recycling bin as the trash can. And now, most places don't make you take the labels off. (I do for a little free stress relief.) You could toss that tin can in the trash, or rinse it out and toss it in the recycling bin. Need to wash out all those yogurt containers? Do it with your regular dishes. Flattening boxes saves space and enables you to recycle them.

So what can you do today? Go recycle something! And save a tree! Buy an ebook! (grin!)

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:48 AM :: 0 comments

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