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Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Writing Wednesday: Stephen Colbert Synergy!

As a writer, one of the things I love is when the crazy things in my head suddenly end up in other people's heads. Like the little articles about bears that my mom and grandma have been clipping out of the paper now that they're aware of my, well, obsession, with the animal. Bear-crazy. Like I was (and still am) horse-crazy. And how, now, in most of his "threat downs," Stephen Colbert, lists bears! My bears? A threat to the country? Oh no! It truly can't be!

I laughed. Gave a little cheer. Even emitted a girly squee of delight over the whole situation.

And then, last night, he did it...

He had Bjorn Lomborg as a guest. Bjorn has written a book on global warming. Sure, Bjorn's views on global warming, while moderate, aren't like mine. But Bjorn did mention that his name means bear (of course it does, I researched it, LOL!!!) and his initials match the initials of my hero. Um no, I had no prior knowledge of Bjorn Lomborg before writing Bjorn's Mate.

Suddenly, there's a hot Scandinavian guy on my TV named Bjorn. I love it!!!!!

Now, I'm sure Mr. Colbert doesn't know about me or my writing. However, when the Universe brings cool things like this my way, I just have to smile.

Here's to my bears and Steven Colbert! Maybe once he gets to know them, he'll remove them from the "Treat down." They really are nice, if you look past the razor sharp claws and long, pointy teeth. I promise.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 4:59 PM :: 0 comments

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