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Tuesday, March 06, 2007 Cooking is for the birds

No, really. It is. :) Now don't get me wrong, I love to cook. And I really love to cook for an appreciative audience. My meat & potatoes guy likes it when I cook. He enjoys my dishes, doesn't complain too much when it's the same old, same old. But my parrots, now they really enjoy a good meal.

In the wild, parrots forage for whatever they can find. Insects. Nuts. Fruits. They're opportunistic and enthusiastic eaters. When kept in our homes most people make the mistake of feeding their parrots an all-seed diet. After all, we buy "bird seed" for the birds outside. Feeding a parrot bird seed is well, like when I used to eat McDonald's for breakfast and lunch, and then come home to a bag of microwave popcorn with a whole bunch of real butter for dinner. It filled me up. It tasted good. But it was nutritionally junk. The reason why our wild birds eat seeds is because they expend so much energy hunting for food, nesting sites, defending territory and doing all those things the wild birds do, so they need the extra calories found in seed. In a cage, with food and water provided on demand, our parrots become perch potatoes. Just like in humans, fat parrots = unhealthy parrots.

So, to provide the wide variety of foods (because we still don't know the nutritional requirements of parrots like we do for livestock, cats, or dogs), I cook for my birds. I primarily cook two things: birdy bread and a mix of beans, pasta, & grains.

My bird bread recipe is easy. One box of Jiffy Cornbread mix, 1 egg (with the shell for added calcium) 1 cup of pellets, 1 jar of baby food (organic, the little jars like the ones labeled (1)), 1/2 small bottle of baby juice. Mix. Bake. Cut into squares. Freeze a good portion of it, thawing as needed, and feed to my enthusiastic parrot!

The other recipe is either homemade or store bought (like Krazy Korn, Beak Appetit, Goldenseal, etc..). It is a mixture of grains, pasta, beans, dried veggies like peas & carrots, sometimes dried fruit. Cook according to package directions. Freeze a good portion of it, thawing as needed and feed.

My "boys" also get free choice pellets, and of course, clean, fresh water. Like me, they need more fresh fruits & veggies, but I do share what I eat with them.

It can be amusing to have my partner come out, sniff, and ask me what's cooking. I smile and tell him it's for the parrots. He shrugs. He knows, when I'm all done cooking for the parrots, I'll cook for him...if he's good. :)

If you share your life with a fid (feathered kid) or consider yourself a parront (parrot parent), why don't you let me know. I love to talk to other parrot owners/lovers.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:37 AM :: 0 comments

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