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Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Dancing Horses


A friend showed me this You Tube clip of a freestyle dressage ride. For those of you unfamiliar with freestyle dressage, let me try to explain. Dressage is a system of training and horsemanship that progresses from the most basic of levels up through the higher levels to what you see here. The training is designed to make a supple, responsive horse. I know this is a really basic definition, and I'm sorry. Freestyle dressage is when you take the movements and put them to music. It's like dancing with your horse.

I love this clip for a couple of reasons. 1) It's beautiful. The partnership between horse and rider is something I hope to ac hive someday, even if just on the ground, with my mare, Fortune. 2) The hero (one of them, it's a m/m project) in one of my works in progress is a dressage rider. This is what I picture when I picture him on horseback.

If you read Riding Partner, and I hope you have, even though Derek & Charles ride show jumpers, they still need dressage in order to maintain control and rhythm between the jumps. While they don't use this level of dressage, this would be something they'd practice to help keep them and their horses fit and ready for competition.

I hope you enjoy this link, and my rambling about horses. :)

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:58 AM :: 0 comments

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