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Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Why We Read

I don't know about anyone else, but I read for an escape. That's why I write too. Living with the characters in my head, falling in love with the hero, creating their story, it gives me an escape from daily life. I do a lot of my writing at "work" and so when I'm dealing with a sticky tech support problem, I can fade away to the imaginary world in my head for a sentence or three. It keeps me sane.

The fact was kind of brought home this morning. I woke up (from dreaming about pink and yellow cockatiels, but that's another blog post about writer's strange dreams) to find we had no power. Now, I live in a trailer court (excuse me, manufactured housing park), and it seems with all the new development up the road that the transformers like to blow at least twice a year. So that was my first thought. My second when I heard that there were large scale power outages in my area because I'm a worry wort who watches way too much television news was that something horrible like they talked about on the news happened. Then, I realized nah, it was probably a transformer, but wide scale outages across the entire county?

Yeah, when I called an hour later to find out whether I'd be able to work from home or if I would have to come into the office, it was indeed just a mechanical failure. But that moment of "what if something happened? I have no television!" made me think ... this is why I write. Whether you're escaping what's on the news or just too much laundry and too little time, readers read for the escape.

And that's why we reread books too. We want to revisit Narnia or Middle Earth or reexperience what it's like to fall in love with a member of The Black Dagger Brotherhood or have a Carpathian sweep us off our feet. I know I do. And I guarantee you, that's why every writer writes.

Sure, it's a compulsion for most of us. We have these stories in our heads that won't let go! But in the end, we all want our stories to be read and enjoyed, and maybe, just maybe, make you forget about the mortgage and the groceries and the laundry, and simply escape!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:36 AM :: 0 comments

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