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Sunday, February 25, 2007 For once the weather people were right...

So they were calling it the worst winter storm in several years. We had ice, then snow, then freezing rain, and the demarkation line between rain/freezing rain/sleet/snow played jump rope with central Iowa for a while, and finally settled onto snow.

It took me an hour and a half to shovel (and I'm in a trailer court people so it's not like there's much real estate here). I did however, get the joy of watching one of my neighbors in his big truck get stuck trying to get into his driveway (realatively flat with a smidge of a slope). And I got a hell of a workout.

Anyway, I think I'm going to blame it all on my editor (wink!), since I'm working on some edits for another polar bear novel this weekend. Certainly provides the inspiration...

Hope everyone stayed safe and warm if you were affected by the storm. And if not, enjoy the wintery view from my doorstep!
(Picture info:
Top - The tree (with a frozen rabbit on a swing hanging off of it, and a bird feeder) right next to my deck.
Right - the lilac bush almost outside my den. It makes an interesting noise as the frozen, ice-laden branches are rubbing against the ice-covered siding)

Posted by Mary Winter :: 11:58 AM :: 0 comments

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