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Friday, November 10, 2006 The Song of Sleet

Like the gentle pitter-patter of a spring shower, the ting-ting of sleet against the windows and roof heralds the fading of fall and the arrival of winter. My pen name didn't happen by accident. I love winter. Snow and ice and blustery cold, and curling up with hot cocoa and warm chili. The sight of frosted ponies with frost on their whiskers and on their backs. Plumes of steam coming from their noses as if they were the very horses that pulled the chariot of the sun across the sky.

So, although I worried because my mom was coming up to visit today (she made it safe, as usual her daughter over-reacted about the weather, LOL!!!), I rejoiced to hear the siren song of sleet. I brought groceries into the house pelted by tiny ice balls that looked like the stuffing of some forgotten stuffed animal strewn over the landscape. I stood on my head (nearly) in the shed to retrieve the lost bucket of ice melt, only to find it had frozen solid. I listened to the slide of ice pellets against the car and the shush of tires through a motley mixture of water, ice, and snow.

And when the snow came it pounded the ground, a great, white fluffy blanket that covered the grass and accumulated on cars. Through the window at work I watched trucks, semis, and cars alike speeding down the interstate, seemingly oblivious to the flurry of nature around them.

And I smiled.

I contemplated hijacking the intercom system at work to belt out "Let it snow" or "Winter Wonderland," but I thought better of it. So as I watched the snow, a tiny part of me breathed a sigh of relief that once again, my favorite season would soon arrive.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 5:21 PM :: 2 comments

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