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Thursday, October 19, 2006 post #100

Ooh, this is post #100 in my blog. How exciting is that?

And hey, I posted in my blog two days in a row. *looks around for an apocalypse to start happening*

So, we're a Nielson family now. Just got the call. No, not "the call" but the one from the Nielson people saying they want to survey our TV habits. HAH! We're going to so skew the numbers.

TV? Who has time for TV? I get my weekly David Boreanaz fix on Bones (damn you baseball for preempting my hour with DB!!!!!), and I watch Battlestar Galactica, and the Daily Show while I cook dinner...and that's it. I listen to the music channel on the satellite and I watch the weather channel, but that's it. Unless it's something funky on the food network on a Sat or Sun night when the brain is too dead to write... I don't watch television.

I don't have time. :( And sometimes, even with a gazillion and one channels on the satellite, there's nothing on.

So, what do you watch on TV?

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:45 AM :: 0 comments

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