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Wednesday, February 20, 2008 A Series of Writing Posts - Smell Your Creativity

I talk a lot about using incense or music to set the mood. But have you thought about essential oils? I love aromatherapy. A bit of tea tree and lavender oil diffused into a room does wonders for my sinuses. And there are two blends of oils that I especially like when I need a creative lift.

Peace & Calming - This oil blend makes me feel like I've taken a big sigh of relief. Drawing the citrus blend aroma into my environment just makes me feel like all my cares have gone away. This oil blend has tangerine, orange, ylang ylang, patchouli, and blue tansy in it. I love patchouli, and the light floral ylang ylang is like a fresh spring day. When I'm feeling stressed or just need to relax a bit, this is the scent I reach for.

Clarity - Like espresso for your mind, but without the caffiene or the calories. A sharp blend of scents (but not unpleasant), this essential oil has basil, cardamom, rosemary, peppermint, rosewood, geranium, lemon, palmerosa, ylang ylang, bergamont, roman chammomile, and jasmine oils mixed in it. Since the peppermint also helps my allergies, it's like a one-two punch. Just a hint, and I'm awake and ready to work.

Both these oils are made by Young Living and both are available through my store.

Why am I mentioning essential oils. For one reason or another maybe people don't like to use incense. Smoke can irritate allergies. Plus, essential oils, like the Peace & Calming can be worn diluted in a bit of almond or carrier oil like a perfume. So it's like you're taking your peace with you. For me, part of letting the muse flow is like being in the right frame of mind. Sometimes, I need a little help. So I turn to essential oils and aromatherapy.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 3:38 PM :: 0 comments

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