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Monday, February 18, 2008 A Series of Writing Posts - Back to the Muse

I'm going to get back to talking about feeding the muse this week. I believe that every author gets burned out at one time or another. That's why it's so important for everyone to feed the muse. My advice today: find something you really like.

For me, it's GI Joes and polar bears. I started my next Live Action Hero novel (the sequel to Mission: Carnal which releases on 02/29) last night. And I don't know where my muse has been but she came out and sang! It was beautiful. I'm also working on plotting my next polar bear book and the muse is there too.

So find a subject that's near and dear to your heart. Do you love Regency England? How about dragons? Or maybe it's vampires? That subject is out there. You might have to write a lot of stories and do a lot of soul searching to find it, but you will!

Then, once you have a subject that sparks the muse, listen to her. Craft your world and your works exactly the way you want to, not the way someone else says to. Read about your chosen subject. Watch videos about it. Soon, I'm sure you'll find it cropping up in places where you least expect it. (Last night's GlobeTrekker was about ecotourism and had one of the hosts going to see polar bears! See, there it was.)

Getting the muse back means luring her back with subjects that make your heart sing. Go find them. And then, write!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:34 AM :: 0 comments

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