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Friday, June 01, 2007 Fantastic Friday - Anticipation!

Around my house we don't use the word "patience." It's called the "p" word. And I guarantee you, when I have a new release coming out, it's difficult to exercise patience. The "coming soon" page gets checked until -- tada! -- my book is there. Like a little kid knowing Christmas is coming, I wait and I hope and I wait... and then... it's release day.

I haven't had one of those yet this year, so that makes June 15 especially special for me. :) You see, that's the day when my BDSM futuristic novella, Illegal Holdings will be released by Changeling Press. My last release was Polar Heat in December.

So, I am oh-so-pleased- to announce that you can find my book here: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=639

Yes, I am on the coming soon page!

Anticipation.... now, all I have to do is wait for June 15.

Uh oh! Guess it's time for the "p" word.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 3:10 PM :: 0 comments

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