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Tuesday, May 08, 2007 Tigger the Sensualist

It's Pet Tuesday here at the blog, and today I'm going to talk about one of the "old man" kitties of the household, Tigger. I adopted him when he was 7 from the local animal shelter. My long-time cat, Bouncer, had just passed away, and I wanted a companion for Nermal, who was still quite young then (like 3), and it just seemed right to have two cats. So, I went to the shelter, and there amid the cute kittens was this older male cat, already neutered and declawed. His story was that he belonged to an elderly woman who had to go into a nursing home and couldn't keep him. He purred at me, and I feel in love.

Tigger has always been the old man kitty of the household. He's there to collect his kitty social security and pretty much just live out his retirement in comfort. He loves nothing more than to sleep in the sun or be petted. A laid back guy, he readily took to the arrival of my partner's cats about three years ago, although the fact that they are beautiful part himalayan girls might have had something to do with it to.

Six months ago Tigger was diagnosed with diabetes. Luckily with the help and advice from some very wonderful people, I am able to test his blood sugar at home, and he gets insulin shots twice a day, which he takes purring. It's attention after all, especially all the petting and cuddling I do afterwards. After being on insulin, well, he's as happy a cat as he has ever been, and lately his favorite thing is to hop up on the bed or wherever you happen to be, purr, and flop over with all four feet stretched out and get his belly rubbed.

Of course this makes for interesting gymnastics when you're trying to read and he flops on your book. Or better yet, when you're folding laundry and he chooses your underwear pile to lay on (no, not jeans or t-shirts.). He often can be found snoozing in his chair, usually one of the girls sleeping on the couch beside him or nearby. And since we finally opened up the telescope we got for Christmas, well, now he likes to sleep in the telescope box.

Tigger is a study in how to grow old gracefully, accept all the wonderful things that come your way, and simply enjoy life. And most of all, he reminds us all to enjoy the finer things in life.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:52 AM :: 0 comments

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