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Monday, May 07, 2007 52 Weeks of Weight Loss: Rest Areas & Mileage Signs

Travelling on I-80 westbound toward Des Moines, mile marker 180 has the rest area that sits right on the Poweshiek/Jasper county line. This rest area also, like most rest areas, proudly proclaims that the next rest area is 30 miles away. It's not. It's lying. The next rest area falls right around mile marker 145, which would make it more like 35 miles away.

Weight loss goals are kind of like that, just a little farther away than they appear/say to be.

Trust me. I know.

My friends tell me I've plateaued. I don't think so. After all, it can't be a plateau if you're not doing everything you can to keep up your end of the weight loss bargain. The body can only work with what it is given. If it's given over eating and limited exercise, well it sure can't lose a whole heck of a lot of weight.

It's time for a little tough love on my part, I think. I can do it, just like you can do it, too. Just remember, goals may be a bit farther than they appear, but, just like that elusive rest area, we'll get to them eventually. And when we do, we will celebrate!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:28 AM :: 0 comments

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