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Monday, April 30, 2007 52 Weeks of Weight Loss: Something about Socks

So as I clean out my closet finding new homes for clothes that are too large for me, and getting into clothes that at one time were too small, one of the things I notice is that my socks keep wearing out faster than usual. Now, I know it's not because I'm so heavy that I'm just wearing through them, so it has to be because I'm walking more. I walk more in the house. I go out to the barn and walk more. I walk with my partner after work every night. I'm constantly on the move, and being on the move means that well, I use my socks more than I used to.

It's an interesting fact, one of those little things that you realize as you work through weight loss issues. Socks. I never thought I'd be wearing out socks at a faster rate than I do now. I mean, socks are socks, right?

Or, maybe not...

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:28 AM :: 0 comments

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