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Monday, April 23, 2007 52 Weeks of Weight Loss: The Joys of Warm Weather

It appears that the cold snap has become nothing but a distant memory, and this means that spring is around the corner. I'm anxious to get my bike out of the shed, air up the tires, tune it up and make sure it's ready to go. Evening walks with my partner have resumed, and we've lengthened the time we're out walking. The science fiction club is "boffo sword fighting" again, which means a chance to be outside and for more activity. Trips to the barn aren't done in freezing cold weather, suffice to say, spring is here.

I'm working to find more and more excuses to go outside and do something! Walking, gardening, mowing, spending time at the barn, bicycling... the get out there and go! bug has bitten me.

This week on my chat list we're discussing what gets you outside. Is it the thought of turning the soil and planing seeds or seedlings? Is it a brisk walk or a morning jog? What gets you outside and moving?

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:26 AM :: 0 comments

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