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Wednesday, March 14, 2007 Virtual Worlds

The guys at work introduced me to BattleOn. And, the role playing fantasy geek in me really likes it (http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=3375613). (Can you tell?
) And going one-on-one with monsters, dragons, skeletons, and other creatures really appeals to the Dungeons & Dragons player in me. But, that's all it is. Now I could move onto something like World of Warcraft, but frankly, neither my pc nor my time schedule would be up to something like that. And I don't want to be too big of a geek. (whoops, too late!)

But, an article by an author I really like and admire, Jennifer Dunne, in the March issue of Lady Jaided (www.ladyjaided.com) introduced me to Second Life. Oh, I knew when I talked to Jennfer about it that I would be in dangerous territory. Buying clothing? Without spending lots of "real life" money? A universe where you can create an avatar of yourself and be anything you want? Oh dangerous, dangerous territory.

And I have one thing to say: I was oh-so right!

So I've just started. I have a body (my skin still says Demo, hehe!), hair that I love (that is so much better than my real life hair, and isn't that the point?), sexy high heels and short shorts. I have to promise myself that this is a treat. As in, get everything done on the "to do" list, and then see if there's time left over to play. But, I think I am in very dangerous territory. And I like it. A lot!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:14 AM :: 0 comments

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