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Monday, January 29, 2007 52 Weeks of Weight Loss: Celebrate Small Victories

For most of us, when it comes to weight loss, we have more than a few pounds to go. Even though I am over halfway on my weight loss journey, I've still got quite a few pounds to go. So it can seem overwhelming. I know I've been suck on these same five damn pounds for way too many weeks. Chipping away at it. Staying the same one week... chipping away again. My goal was 75 lbs by my birthday. Well, I'm two weeks past that, and where am I? 74.8 pounds. Damn those .2 pounds!!!!!

So it would be so easy for me to growl, get upset, and not realize how far I've really come. Yeah, I lost .8 lbs this week. Less than a pound. Big freaking deal. Or is it?

Yes, it is a big deal. No, not as big a deal as say losing 2 pounds or even a full pound would have been, but I made progress on my goal. Any progress is good. You can't write a book all at once. It's done a page at a time. So too, this weight loss is done a tenth of a pound by a tenth of a pound. It's not glamorous. It's not exciting. And it's down right frustrating at times. But it happens.

So celebrate those little goals. Did you exercise this week? hooray! Did you make a smart eating choice? Hooray! Take the little steps and cheer them on, because those little steps will add up to big ones soon!

Here's wishing you many successes, small and large!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 11:18 AM :: 0 comments

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