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Saturday, January 27, 2007 Greening Up Your Coffee Habit

One of the things I've been giving lots of thought to lately is how I can reduce my personal impact on the environment. Not only do we have the larger issues of global warming and the environment to think about, but for me personally, I have my five acres in Missouri. Someday, I'll be living on those five acres, and I want to make sure that I leave as small a footprint as possible. So, one of my goals this year is to green up my life in as many ways as possible.

Today, I'm thinking about my coffee habit. I drink three cups of coffe in the morning. I have a Senseo machine, and I love it. But, each of those little coffee pods in their self-contained world create an impact. And then there's the creamer. Because of Weight Watchers, I'd switched to the individual serve creamers that I get a Office Depot in their "break room" section. Easily measured. No fuss. No mess. But all those little creamer containers add up.

So I'm going to switch to the bigger bottles of creamer. Yeah, I'll have to measure, but I have measuring spoons/cups (little 2 TBs one tha I use for salad dressings, etc.). This will be cheaper in the long run, plus less of an impact because of no more little creamer cups being thrown out/recycled. No more foil lids either.

I'll use up my current coffee pod stash, but I also have what's called an Eco-Pod. This is a refillable coffee pod. I'll use it to brew free trade, organic coffee. I love the Arbor Day foundation's, "Rainforest Rescue" blend. And I also have tried Gevalia's Peruvian Organic coffee. Both very delicious. Plus, my local natural foods store carries many free trade, organic coffees as well.

And I'll compost. I'm currently looking for a composter that I can "hide" in my trailer court. I've found one, so I'll be ready for spring. Coffee grounds, coffee filters, vegtable scraps, lots of things can be composted, and I'll leave my little plot of land here better than when I found it. Which is kind of saying a lot. :)

So let's see... we can compost our coffee grounds, switch to less package intesive options, use ecopods or refillable coffee pods for those single-serve systems... It may not seem like much of an impact, but every little bit helps.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 11:19 AM :: 0 comments

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