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Monday, February 12, 2007 52 Weeks of Weight Loss: When We Gain

Some would say the biology of women makes us predisposed to gain weight. And to some extent it's true. When it's "that time of the month" we gain weight. We retain water. We bloat. Our bodies are hardwired to put on the pounds when needed, such as during pregnancy. And sometimes, we gain weight from too much pizza.

That's what happened to me. I pretty much gained everything back that I'd lost last week. But, I know why. I had a "what the hell!" approach to eating which left me having Chinese, Pizza, and way too many Weight Watchers ice cream bars. It happens. And I know why I gained weight, so I can do things, like going out and walking with my horse, to correct it this week and in the future.

It's okay that we gain weight. Obviously too much weight gain can be unhealthy, as evidenced by my current desire to lose weight. Diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, I could list the diseases members of my family have all due to their weight. I won't. I know what they are. And I'm sure, you have members of your family with the same diseases.

But to beat yourself up for a minor slip-up is stupid and fruitless. I'm sure, just like me, there were several times during the week that you did make the right choice. Those are the times to celebrate. So I made lots of wrong choices, but you know what? I didn't stop at Culvers on the way home from Iowa City for a burger, fries, and marshmallow malt. I thought of those size 22 jeans I'd just purchased, and went, nope, I prefer the smaller jeans to the momentarily gratification of food. I did go out on Sunday and walk with my horse. I did choose pineapple for desert last night.

Gaining weight or having a setback of any kind is not the end of the world... unless you let it be.

So go back out there. Make your next choice a good one! Those good choices will add up.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:30 AM :: 0 comments

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