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Tuesday, October 03, 2006 Taking the Plunge....nanowrimo

"I'm a fucking lunatic," I say.

From my partner, silence reigns as he debates how to tactfully answer my statement. "Well," he replies after a long pause, "that's an interesting way to open a conversation."

"It is, isn't it? Quite the opening hook."

Yes, I talk this way. Why? Because I'm a writer. So why am I a lunatic you might ask? Well, because I signed up for National Novel Writing Month. Thirty days to write 50,000 words. That averages out to a shade under 1700 words a day, an easily achievable goal for someone like myself. Except I have ninety million projects, revisions, deadlines, and oh hell, why not? Like I told my other half, it isn't like someone is going to come break my kneecaps if I don't make it. Right? They're not, are they?

Sometimes as a writer we get caught up in the polishing and the perfecting that it's fun just to put fingers to keyboard, muse to work, and just see what happens.

That's my goal for November. Just to see what happens!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:04 PM :: 0 comments

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