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Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Refilling the Creative Well....the sound of music

What contains singles from artists as diverse as a Norwegian fiddler, Enya, Clannad, Celtic Woman, Phil Vassar, Lonestar, Trace Atkins, Nine Inch Nails, Buckcherry, Metallica, Godsmack and Marilyn Manson? Nope, it's not a music store. It's my itunes. Yeah, like ebay and all the other joys of the internet world, I love my itunes. Still waiting for that ipod though...

So what's this diverse listing of artists have to do with me and my itunes? Well, music is one way in which I refill the creative well. I was a band kid. No, not band camp. It was horse camp for me, LOL!!! But I played the clarinet from middle school all the way thorugh high school. Jazz choir. Regular choir. I love to sing. I feel like I can cleanse my soul, whether I'm belting out Loreena McKinnit tunes while I'm driving down the road or singing along with Once More With Feeling (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Yes music, you make me come-plete. (to borrow a phrase from OMWF. We'll talk more about Buffy later...)

I love finding the perfect bit of music to go along with my works in progress. For a polar bear shape shifter story I'm working on, it was a Norwegian fiddler. When I'm working on my vampire/werewolf/werepyre menage it's hard rock all the way, the darker the better. Fantasy lends itself to Enya, Clannad, Celtic Woman, Loreena McKinnit, and other celtic/world music. I am a huge fan of David Arkenstone. His cds, all well-played in this household, never fail to inspire.

For you see, the creative well may be deep, but it isn't endless. Those of us who create also need to do some things for us. Some may find creativity in handicrafts or photography. Me, I hop onto the net and head on over to itunes. Next on my list...religious music from the middle ages. I think I'm writing some angels....

I'll be blogging for the next week or so on different ways I refill the creative well, and I'd love to hear from others. What things do you do, or enjoy, just for yourself? When you can't write another word, what do you do to make the muse sing to you once more?

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:51 PM :: 0 comments

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