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Monday, January 28, 2008 A Series of Writing Posts - Banish Negativity

I think I'm going to write a series of posts on, well...writing, for a while. I hope no one minds, but I've been going through a bit of rethinking and redirecting and even fighting a little burn out. I will also admit that I'm a writer who suffers depression and let me tell you, between a few things that have happened and the weather being lucky to get into the single digits, winter is not a fun time of year for those with depression. But I've made the decision that the two things that really help me kick it are my horse and my exercise, and I did both this morning. Saw Fortune, gave her a pet and some food and a brushing so she's all pretty again (until she rolls in the mud, haha!), and completed my run since it's a gorgeous 43 out according to my computer. So all is good.

Lately, I've become really big on letting things go and banishing negativity. I kind of quit watching the news. I get my weather from the National Weather Service (www.weather.gov) which is reliable enough for me. And I have the Weather Channel Desktop that came with my recent installation of Trillian (an all in one chat program). So I'm well situated when it comes to the weather. I even kind of quit watching the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. I found I had other things to fill my evenings, and while I don't want to be an ostrich head in the sand, frankly, I don't want to let that much negativity into my head space. I have enough without opening the doors and laying down the welcome mat.

To me, there are two kinds of negativity - inner and external. The hardest to banish is the inner. It's that voice inside my head that goes "no one is replying to your emails so you must suck" (rather than oops, the email went wonky again. LOL!!) or "you can't write. What the hell do you think you're doing?" All creative people have these voices to some degree, and I don't think you can banish them completely. however, you can tell them to go find someone else to talk to as you're not interested in the snake oil they're selling. They can sabotage you and turn a productive day into, well, not so productive time.

This is the negativity YOU can control and fight. It's tough. I won't lie. And for someone who suffers from depression it's even worse because you can feel when you're out of whack, so to speak, or at least I can, and I can feel myself tipping into darkness and trying to claw my way back out. Except I chewed off all my fingernails (or broke them) so I can't get a finger hold on the edge of sanity. So I can feel myself tipping and I try to get back even.

Why am I telling you this? First of all, writing is a lonely job. I want others to know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE. Secondly, I want to help, if I can. So if you think what I'm saying here is TMI - then please tune into another channel. But if you find yourself feeling like you're talking to another kindred spirit, then I hope these posts will help you.

So what can you do to beat the inner negativity beast? Remember the good things. If you're a published author think about the books you've published. They didn't publish your book on a whim. They did it because you CAN write. :) If you're still pre-published, at least you're writing, and that's a lot more than some people. Hopefully there are other things you can focus on in your life too. Family, kids, friends, hobbies, pets, health. Be thankful for what you do have.

For the external negativity, well that's probably the subject of another post. But I will say tune it out. Like a three-year old, put your hands over your ears and go LA LA LA LA LA. It's important to be aware of things, like global warming, or the current political or international situation, but don't let them drag you down. If there's something you can do to help, do it! If not, don't obsess. And yeah, I think that's another post too.

So for this week, let's look on the bright side. If nothing else, at least here in Iowa the coldest month of the year is almost over. Of course tornado season is coming.... wait! positive! It's a beautiful day and I won't worry about tomorrow until it gets here. :)

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:44 AM :: 0 comments

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