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Monday, December 31, 2007 Make a Difference Monday: Feral Cats

With the holidays over (to the cookie winners, because of dealing with a feral kitten this weekend, I didn't get to bake them, but I will next weekend, I promise.), I'd like to get back to my regular blog schedule. Since this is Monday, it's Make a Difference Monday.

Today, I'm going to talk about feral cats. Not strays, which were once pets, but have lost their way from their home (or been dumped), though those kitties need help too. No, I'm talking about truly feral cats, born and raised in the wild. These guys need help too!!

One great organization that helps feral cats is Alley Cat Allies (www.alleycatallies.org). They operate and believe in TNR - Trap Neuter Release. This allows truly wild cats to stay wild, which may be the best thing for them. For the younger kitties; however, they can be brought inside and tamed down into adoptable kittens (like the little guy above, who joined our household this weekend).

So today's make a difference Monday is about feral and stray kitties. If you can support a TNR program, please do. If you can support your local humane society please do.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 10:24 AM :: 1 comments

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