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Monday, December 24, 2007 The Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 12

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 12
Day 11 winner: Dena (no Last name given) Please email me with your address.
Note: Cookies may take 7-10 days to be baked and mailed. I hope to get that done next weekend. :)
Today's Prize: Another dozen cookies!!!!! You have your choice. Please indicate choice when you send in your question...
1. leaded or weight watchers/diabetic friendly (either one is ok and I have tons of WW recipies. My family is diabetic, so I totally understand.)
2. chocolate chip or peanut butter
(if you win, please give me about a week or so to get them baked and mailed to you. I mail cookies out at this time of year every year so I know how to mail them so they don't break. Or at least I try. :) )

Question: Today's question is
easy. Which one of my books have you most enjoyed and why?
Email your answer to contests@marywinter.com with DAY 12 in the subject line. Again, you have until MIDNIGHT CST to enter!

Extra Credit! Subscribe to my newsletter, either by sending an email to newsletter-subscribe@marywinter.com or at the Yahoo!group - http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/marywinternews/
Good luck!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:32 AM :: 0 comments

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