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Sunday, December 16, 2007 Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 5

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 5
First off, I want to thank everyone for their patience. Mother Nature, once again, played with our plans and we couldn't go out of town yesterday. We went today instead. So, with that, today's contest will go until MIDNIGHT MONDAY NIGHT (I.e. stop at 12:01 am Tue. morning)

Day 3 winner: Jody Faltys - I already have your address so I'll get your package out to you.
Note: If you are a winner and you haven't emailed me please do so to claim your prize. (See Day #2)

Today's Prize: A gorgeous horse journal/blank book

Question: Name one of Mary's books that has horses in it.

Email your answer to contests@marywinter.com with DAY 5 in the subject line. Again, you have until MIDNIGHT CST to enter!

Extra Credit! Subscribe to my newsletter, either by sending an email to newsletter-subscribe@marywinter.com or at the Yahoo!group - http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/marywinternews/
Good luck!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 6:09 PM :: 2 comments

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