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Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 1

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 1
Welcome to my Twelve Days of Christmas promotion. One of the great things my family does is a Twelve Days celebration. We open up little presents: one a day for twelve days. Though they may be small things like a box of popcorn or a box of Kleenex it's the thought that counts. These packages are wrapped with love and shared. That's what I'm doing here.
Every day I'll give away one of these cute little bags. The mugs are filled with candy (and yes, chocolate), a little bear in a tree and a winter-themed rubber duck.
In addition, I'll add items to it every day.
Today's prize: One of these bags, a package of Tranquility CD incense (A CD case filled with incense and a holder), and a six-pack of tea lights (coffee mocha scent).
How to win: Email your answer to a trivia question to contests@marywinter.com. Make sure you have DAY 1 in the subject line.
Question: In Elemental Elves 1: Horse Play, Clarice runs a farm for therapeutic riding. What is the name of the North American organization for therapeutic riding?
Extra Credit! Subscribe to my newsletter, either by sending an email to newsletter-subscribe@marywinter.com or at the Yahoo!group - http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/marywinternews/
Good luck!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 7:40 AM :: 4 comments

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