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Wednesday, December 12, 2007 Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 2

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 2
Day 1 winner: Amelia Richard - Please email me with your address. Congrats!!!!
Today's Prize: A paperback of Wired by Liz Maverick and a paperback of Touch the Night by Susan Spencer Paul, plus a deck of 2006 RT playing cards. And, of course, the goody bag to the left!
Today's question has to do with my partner. He's a huge Star Trek fan. In fact, it's a joke around the house that he can watch five seconds of an original trek episode and tell you the name, the season, and what it was about. So for today...
Question: When going on an away team mission with Kirk & Spock, what color shirts do you NOT want to wear? (Hint - they're the ones who die first)
Email your answer to contests@marywinter.com with DAY 2 in the subject line. Again, you have until MIDNIGHT CST to enter!
Extra Credit! Subscribe to my newsletter, either by sending an email to newsletter-subscribe@marywinter.com or at the Yahoo!group - http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/marywinternews/
Good luck!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:53 AM :: 4 comments

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