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Tuesday, May 29, 2007 Pet Tuesday: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

First off, just want to give a big thanks to Dayton Ward for the shout out in his blog today (http://daytonward.livejournal.com/ ). At ConQuest (http://www.kcsciencefiction.org/) this weekend, Dayton joined me, and Beverly Hale on a panel about books into movies. What makes a good book turned into a good movie? What are some of the good ones? What are some of the bad ones? As an author, what would I want to see if my books were turned into movies. It was an awesome discussion, and I very much enjoyed meeting not only Beverly and Dayton, but everyone else I met this weekend.

It's pet Tuesday here at the blog, and I'm going to talk a bit about respect and horses. I'm a huge fan of Clinton Anderson's Downunder Horsemanship. I first saw him at the Iowa Horse Fair a couple of years ago and everything he said made sense. Two eyes are always better than two heels (i.e. the horse is looking at you and not trying to kick or run away). I started off slowly with Fortune, but even the little I implemented made a huge change in our relationship, and it was a change for the better.

Well, last weekend a friend I met on the No Worries Club (Clinton's Club) message boards came to the barn to help me with Fortune. She tweaked my working and really made Fortune work. The change -- amazing!

I've kept it up, and yesterday, I went to the barn after a few day hiatus (for the convention). Fortune remembered what I'd taught her. She's giving me respect.

For a 1000-lb animal used to getting her way, that's a major change. One that improves our relationship as well as my safety when I'm working around her. I can enter her space whenever I want. She can't enter mine.

Whether it's from our cats, our dogs, our horses, or whatever pets we have, getting their respect means taking a great leap forward in our relationship.

I'm thankful to Clinton Anderson for helping me make that connection with my horse. And yes, two eyes are always better than two heels. :)


Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:28 AM :: 0 comments

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