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Thursday, May 17, 2007 Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things You'll Hear Me Say

I work from home. It's me, the cats, the parrots, the parakeets, and Fuzzbutt the hamster, home alone for several hours. Granted, I work in a call center so I'm on the phone, but there's still plenty of time to have a conversation with myself, and with the critters. So since I'm quite often saying silly things, here we go... And of course, you must realize that these are all terms of endearment. LOL!!!!

Thirteen Things about Mary Winter

1. You guys are talky meat (to the parakeet flight in my den while I'm trying to take a call)
2. Awww, [insert cat's name here] is sleeping hard (as I walk into the living room on a break to see all the cats sleeping soundly)
3. You yawned so big I thought your head was going to split in two and aliens come rushing out. (to Daphne, who has the hugest yawns)
4. Good morning, feathered crackheads (to the parrots)
5. What are you laughing at? (To Braynon, my parrot who laughs...at everything!)
6. Pretty bird? I don't think so. (to the cockatiel, Kuari, who whistles "pretty bird" for eight hours of the day)
7. Hey Stinky! (to my horse when I go out in the pasture)
8. It's the Nermboid! (to Nerms when he comes running into my den like his tail is on fire)
9. Are you supervising? (to either Dru or Daphne when they crawl on the back of my desk chair)
10. You're a cat. These are veggies. You're not supposed to like them. Do you need to see the manual again? (to Cougar, who eats anything, as he tries to steal food off my plate)
11. If you break my neck you have no other family members to take you in. (Again said to my "brother" Cougar (he used to belong to mom), as he bashes my ankles with his big head while I'm trying to cook in the kitchen)
12. Your daddy is a mean, mean man. (Said with a big smile and a laugh to his cats, Dru & Daphne, when I'm trying to get him to do something and my feminine wiles failed. LOL!!!!)
13. You're such a good boy. (to the much maligned Nerms, whose playful nature and over exuberance gets him trouble with the other kitties)
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Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:26 AM :: 3 comments

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