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Monday, April 02, 2007 52 Weeks of Weight Loss: Getting Back to Basics

While the scale gods have continued to smile on me (I lost another 1.8 lbs this week), I've found that my habits have grown sloppy. I no longer measure and portion control the way I should. It happens to everyone. The "yeah, that's what a cup looks like" or in the case of my morning coffee "that's 1 TB of creamer." But it probably isn't. And it's an eye-opener when once again we go back to doing what we should do.

And it's okay that this happens. I mean, we all need to go back to the basics once in a while. There's no harm in that.

So this week's lesson is if you feel like you're stuck in a rut, or just want to make a good, solid start to your weight-loss plans this week - go back to the basics. Measure. Write things down (another place where I've slipped lately). Pretend like it's your first week and you want to do things "just right."

And who knows where we will find ourselves in a week.

For an update on the shoes, I did go to Payless and found a very nice, simple pair of wedge sandals. (I also ordered the cute pair with the flowers on them online). Reward, reward, reward. That's the key, and not all rewards have to be food related.

Hope you have an excellent week!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:33 AM :: 0 comments

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