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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 Gifts You Can Give Yourself - Day 2

Today the gift you can give yourself is indulgence. Whether it's scrumptious body lotion (I love Bath & Body Works warm vanilla sugar. I can smell like fresh sugar cookies without counting points), or a good book, indulge your pleasures.

So what are the ways in which you can indulge yourself. I'll share some of my favorites.

  • A cup of tea. My friend sent me a box full of probably 10 different kinds of tea. From a seasonal gingerbread spice to a flavored green tea, and several vanilla varieties (sense a theme here), I can indulge my love of tea and enjoy the gift from a good friend at the same time.
  • Body lotion or bath gel. Yummy smelling stuff for your skin means that you feel soft and sensual all day long. And he probably enjoys it too.
  • A good book. Whether it's a beloved favorite you're rereading a treasured favorite or a new author, nothing beats a good book.
  • Petting the cat. Sometimes simply sitting on the chair with a purring cat in your lap (or behind your head) makes the tensions of the day slip away.

So, how do you indulge yourself?

Posted by Mary Winter :: 11:02 AM :: 0 comments

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