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Monday, December 18, 2006 A Week of Gifts You Can Give Yourself

I'm going to start this holiday week with the topic of "A Week of Gifts You Can Give Yourself." It is better to give than receive, especially during this holiday season. Some of the smallest gifts can mean so much to someone. But while we're looking for that perfect gift for someone else, why not take a few moments and think about the gifts you can give yourself.

So for day 1: Give yourself exercise.

I can hear everyone out there going, "WHAT? Gifts are supposed to be fun. Why would you want to give yourself exercise?"

Well, I can tell you as someone who used to be a couch/computer potato to someone who now looks for ways to add activity to her life (park a little farther away and save those close parking spots for people who really need them, take the stairs, etc.), exercise does more than boost your metabolism, help you lose weight, and help you get and stay active. It's something nice that you do for yourself, and best of all, it's free.

I don't need a gym membership. I have a horse. I spent 30 minutes this morning walking her around and flapping a plastic bag in the air in front of her, beneath her, etc. (You think I'm crazy - check out Clinton Anderson's Downunder Horsemanship). Not only is it a great workout for me, but it helps desensitize my mare to spooky things.

Take a few turns around the block - walking style. Too cold out? Run up and down your stairs. You don't need a gym membership or fancy equipment, and it's something that you can do for yourself.

Don't worry - we'll have more fun as the week progresses.

Happy holidays everyone!!!!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 9:24 AM :: 0 comments

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