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Sunday, April 16, 2006 The Wrath of Mother Nature

So I haven't updated my blog in a while. Writing deadlines, revisions, projects, and severe weather has kept me hopping. Its one thing to hear about storms on the news. They're in some far-away place where you've never been, and while it's saddening to listen to the people talk about homes and lives and businesses lost, there's some distance between the news and you. Then a tornado outbreak hits your home town.

I grew up in the Iowa City area. To me, Iowa City is the best damn city in Iowa. The college rocks (and what eye candy when school is in session, LOL!!!) with a fine writing program. Downtown boasts many wonderful shops, and there's always something to do. Thursday night, I glanced at the National Weather Service website and saw tornado warnings for Johnson, Linn, Washington, and Cedar counties. Ouch! But, I read the reports, and while it said that a storm was "capable of producing a tornado" that certainly isn't as severe as it's headed for your house NOW. So, imagine my shock when I call my mom as I'm leaving work and hear "Three tornados hit Iowa City!" Luckily grandma and all my relatives are just fine, and none sustained any more damage than having the bejesus scared out of them. Of course, imagine mom's shock who woke up (she slept through the storm) to hear the TV talking about a tornado near Tiffin. Yikes! I think her shock was greater than mine.

So, with it being mom's birthday today (Happy birthday, Mom!), we went to Iowa City yesterday. The Diary Queen where mom and I used to get ice cream cones, and where the Jaycees set up to sell the best Christmas Trees -- GONE! The car dealership across the street where a Golden Corral restaurant used to be -- GONE! Trees toppled over as if someone dug around the roots and pushed them over. We didn't go downtown. I think I might have cried.

Those who know me, know that I freak out over severe weather. I don't like situations I cannot control, and sitting in your mobile home wondering when the sirens are going to go off -- not good. It isn't like I can call the Mother Nature hotline and say "hey, could you avoid my house and those of my friends and loved ones" And if I could, would that really be fair to everyone else?

It's springtime in Iowa. Tulips, lawn mowing, the sowing of fields...and thunderstorms. I just want to share some of my feelings on the recent tornado outbreak, and send my best thoughts and positive energies to those cleaning up after any natural disaster -- regardless of what state you're in.

If you're interested, KCRG, has (IMO) the best coverage of the tornadoes and they can be found at http://www.kcrg.com/

Posted by Mary Winter :: 11:08 AM :: 0 comments

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