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Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Knock your socks of story-telling

I'm a reader at heart. It's how I got into this writing gig anyway. I read books and was at that age where we're all supposed to decide what we want to be when we "grow up" and I thought "wouldn't it be cool to write the books that other people read?" Viola! An author is born.

Like any reader, I love it when a book is page-turning-delicious, one I cannot put down or get grumpy when I do have to put down. I just finished a couple such books.

Wicked Nights by Nina Bangs. Of course it doesn't hurt that we have an Angel-esque looking vamp on the cover and an oh so hunky brooding vampire hero. But wow. What a fun romp!

Bio Rescue by S.L. Viehl. I love the ocean with whales and dolphins. Marine life fascinates me, and so this science fiction novel dealing with whale-like characters (all different alien species) drew my attention. We have alien aliens (which way cool and so hard to write!) a fast paced story and romance. Happy sighs all around.

And that's all. I just wanted to tell you that I'm thrilled to have found two rocking books!!!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 7:51 PM :: 1 comments

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