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Mom treated Steve and I to a matinee of X-Men III:The Last Stand, this weekend. As someone who has seen all three movies, and has a passing familiarity with the comic books, I really looked forward to this movie. It did not dissapoint. The world in which the movie begins is not the world in which the movie ends, and the writers leave the possiblities open for a brave new world in which a few key players have stepped aside and those whose talents might not be so spectacular can now play an important role. SPOILER ALERT - IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE AND DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, PLEASE !!!!!! STOP HERE!!!!! Okay, I'm going to babble for a bit to ensure that the spoiler alert is seen, and to clear the space so that way those who don't wish to be spoiled can quickly hit the back button on their browser to fade away. I'm involved in the Buffy/Angel fan community, and let me tell you, lest you think I'm wierd or crazy for putting a spoiler alert here, that trust me, when you don't want to know what happens, and someone tells you, it's like wham! You just want to do them some damage. LOL!!! Kind of like last night when I was looking up information on McLeod's Daughter's for mom, because she and grandma really love this show, and I was reading the show descriptions to find out where WE left-off and when they would start the next series, and oops! I found out people died. Of couse mom HAD to know (spoilers, she doesn't care), but anyone else might have been wringing my neck. Okay, and do you think that's enough space? :) Now, I will preface my thoughts with I'm not sure how canon the movies are supposed to be. I'm going to ask that of my friends who are way bigger X-men geeks than myself. If these are supposed to be canon, then wow, the world really has been shaken up a bit. The Deaths Scott - Cyclops. Wow. I was not expecting him to die, and not the way in which he did die. Kissed to death by the woman he loves. We don't see a body though, and in stories, especially ones where people can "come back to life" that always bothers me. He went fairly quickly in the movie, and luckily there was enough eye candy to make up for his loss. Jean Grey - Yeah, she had to go. And to be killed by Wolverine, and gee, do you think the guy is already mentally messed up enough without making him kill the woman he loves. I know, I know, the character is an outsider, someone who can't get close, but it seems kind of wrong, somehow to have him be the one to kill her. And she came back wrong. Gee, Buffy thought she came back wrong too, but she didn't. Jean Grey definately came back wrong, though how right was Xavier for messing with her mind to begin with? Professor X. - Sniff. Sniff. Okay, that death got me, though again, I don't think he's really dead. If he's as powerful a psi as the series has made him out to be, then surely his mind or his "soul" could be somewhere else? I don't know. The empty wheel chair and the empty chess board kind of brought his death home, but then it left questions. A world that does not exist. A world that is unlike anything ever known. The Aftermath I like what Marvel has done, by taking out the big Cat 4 and 5 mutants - Magneto. Mystic. Xavier. Cyclops. Jean Grey. They've left a world in which those who might have been relegated to bit players now become part of something larger, something bigger than themselves. What might have been ordinary, almost run of the mill talents for mutants, now have a role to play. I like the broadening of the universe. I like the fact that there's a mutant at the UN. I think this creates a bigger universe in which to play, both for Marvel, and for the actors and actresses who portray these characters. I'd love to hear people's comments, but remember, as others might not have seen the movie, you may want to SPOILER WARNING your comments. :) ![]() ![]() |