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Thursday, June 22, 2006 Horse feed can be sexy?

Okay, maybe it's because I'll be working on edits for a M/M novella that I hope my EC editor will accept (it deals with two show jumping equestrians), or maybe it's just because I've been indulging myself in my horse magazines, but I saw these two ads for Purina Horse Feeds (I understand that this is a pricy/exclusive brand. My little (okay not so little) girl gets generic 12% sweet feed as a treat when I visit.) and went "wow." I figured I'd post the pictures here and see if my readers thought I was crazy, or on the right mark.

Guess I will be surfing the satellite channels to find more show jumping on television (I'll take horse racing, but watching grand prix jumping is my passion! I think RFD-TV has Showjumping Unplugged on... hey wait, I think Thursday night is horse night on RFD-TV. Hooray!!!). I think men in breeches are so sexy!

By the way, for those who aren't familiar with equestrian sports, the red jacket isn't just a wardrobe change. Only equestrians who have qualified to ride for the US Olympic Team can wear the red jacket. It's like the yellow jersey in the Tour de France, very coveted.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 5:42 PM :: 0 comments

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