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Tuesday, February 07, 2006 Personalized rejection letters

or when someone tells you no, thanks feels so good!

One of the ways a writer knows when s/he is reaching the elusive level of being published by a NY publisher (or accepted by an agent) is when the personalized rejection letters start returning in those SASEs, instead of a form "sorry this isn't right for us" letter. I've received my share of both as I strive toward my dream of being a self-supporting writer, but lately I've been starting to get the more personalized rejections.

I never thought I'd jump up and down and cheer when I received a rejection letter. Okay, so it isn't the, "your book went to auction and so-and-so offered you an advance of a million dollars" happy-happy, but it certainly helps buoy the "oh crud! another rejection letter" blues. Especially when you hear "I like your writing, but this project doesn't work for me." It's like going shopping and finding the dress of your dreams -- just not in your color. Perhaps there's another color in the warehouse. Or maybe they can order it for you. All you have to do is ask, and boy am I glad that I'm being asked.

Five little words that are music to any writer's ears (and no, it isn't "I want to buy it.")...

Please send me something else.

Really? Can I? How many novels you want? One? Five? Ten? A series? Two series? What more do you want? I've got it.

It's an outlook, a way of looking at this crazy business called publishing. No, it isn't an offer, but it is one, tiny little sign that I'm just one step closer to where I want to be. Just like life, writing is a journey. Except when I get where I want to be as a writer, I sure hope I've got some life left to enjoy it. (Grin!)

Off to send off another partial.....is this the something else for which you're looking? Gee, I sure hope so!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 2:04 PM :: 0 comments

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