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Thursday, September 08, 2005 When the Day Job interferes with the Real Job

Like most authors, I work a Day Job. It's not glamorous, and it's not pretty. I'm a help desk technician for a major financial organization. Mostly I deal with sales people who can sell a multi-million dollar loan, but refuse to take the time to learn the basics of operating a computer. Add to this that they don't listen and are always right and are usually quite mean/rude, well, you get the drift. If they're not that, then they are younger than me and make me really wonder about the state of anybody's educational system. (What city are you in? California. No, honey, California is a state, not a city. Unless you're talking about California, MD, but they're not.) Anyway, many authors run into the situation in which I now find myself, and it's something to think about if you'd like to embark on a writing career.

At some point you become either a) so prolofic or b) so stacked with deadlines or c) both and then some, that the eight hours you spend at your day job take a huge chunk of time out of your writing schedule. In fact, you do everything you can to write at work (me, I write in the two-three minutes alotted between calls, which really isn't allotted, but damn it, if the other people can look at the 'net or play games, I can at least write), on breaks, etc. The day job interferes with the real job.

There are a couple things a writer can do about such a situation. The first, would be to find a day job that works. The second would be to strive toward writing full time. Guess which one I'm working for?

Take care!

Posted by Mary Winter :: 4:32 PM :: 0 comments

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