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Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Writing Wednesday: Achoo! Writing When Sick

It had to happen sooner or later. With the weather swinging from balmy late summer to winter with no fall in between the cold and flu season arrived with a vengeance. Just because I work from home doesn't render me immune to such things. In fact, I returned from a convention with what I thought was a scratchy throat due to manning (err. womaning) my table full of incense and talking all weekend. (Me, talk all weekend? Surely you jest! Um, no! LOL!!!!).
But, by Monday I knew I'd been hit and hit hard. There's just one problem. I still had to work and I still had to write.
Well, I didn't HAVE to write, but anyone who is an author knows those pages don't write themselves and since I'm doing NaNo this month, well those 2K a day had to be done. If they hadn't I would have fallen farther and farther behind and my Type A self just simply wouldn't have allowed that. So write I did.
However, I discovered something (well rediscovered it). When my nose is stuffed up my muse is stuffed up. When the head is foggy my characters are off moaning and groaning, wishing for some more Nyquil or herbal tea. They don't want to come out and play.
I'm sure I'm not the first writer with wussy characters. I am, however, an only child, and so I may require a bit more sympathy (or sympafy as we call in our house to distinguish between the real kind of sympathy and the "poor me" that the kitties seem to project so well) than most. Maybe that's why my characters are all "I don't want to work today." "Just go away."
Writing may be fun. But it's also a job. Sick or well. Happy or sad. We must write. Or at least I do.
Now where'd I leave my whip? I feel my muse is still wanting to take a vacation.

Posted by Mary Winter :: 8:55 AM :: 0 comments

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